When you meet the escorts, you should know the questions to ask and do not ask the pointless or stupid questions.
This is what some people do and it ends up annoying the girls. You should never ask if the girl is clean or not. If you are dealing with an expensive lady, then you should know that she cannot go to meet clients without being sure that she is clean. If you are dealing with a cheap girl, then expect that she cannot tell you the true even if she is sure that she is no clean. This is why you should be careful and ensure that you are safe. You should avoid asking these embarrassing questions and ensure that you have a condom always with you.
- Another questions to never ask, is asking the escort if she is the cop or not. You should know that the cop escort is ready to lie, to misrepresent herself or to cheat and ensure that she talks about sex while dealing with you.
- Another question to never ask is how many other men she had seen or if she is married or have ever had to hurt someone. Even if you may be curious, the answer that you will be given may not be what you expect so you should not bring up such issue.
Make sure that you are clean
You have to know that you are meeting a professional and prepare yourself as you would prepare to meet other professionals. Make sure that you brushed the teeth, you cut the fingernails, you shaved and you showered. If you have a skin problem, let the escort know about it as soon as you meet her.
Use good manners
You should remember about what you were taught about as a child. Keep in mind to ask and not to demand and always say thank you when you are happy.
Keep in mind that the girl is doing the business
Since you cannot make the cashier to ask for the payment, you should also not make the escort to do so. You should also expect the girl to hang around if she had finished offering the job she was contracted to do. When you are with a girl, she will try her best to create the illusion that you are happy with her, so you should not try to destroy this illusion when you remind her that she is working for money.
You should be where you agreed with the escort to meet and at the time you agreed on
If you agreed that you are going to do in call service, you have to make sure that you are there without being late even for five minutes. If she is coming, you should not go to ATM, front desk or to the ice machine. If there is any emergency, call so that you can let her know that, and she can arrange accordingly. If you make her delay, do not expect to stay the entire time you agreed on since she will be having other meeting to attend.